Paolo Vassallo

I am a PhD student at the Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics of the University of Pisa.

My reserch interests concern Syntax-Semantic interface, Lexical Semantics and Compositional Models of natural language semantics.

Short Bio

I was born in Viareggio (LU) in 1990.

I got my bachelor degree in Modern Literature at the University of Pisa with a dissertation on semantics of Space Prepositions in Italian (“Codifica delle relazioni spaziali: contenimento, orizzontalitĂ , verticalitĂ ”).

In 2016 I got my master degree in Linguistics at the University of Pisa with a dissertation on Grammatically Relevant Verb Classes (“Manner e Result Verbs: categorie discrete o prototipiche?”), focusing on the semantic dichotomy between Manner and Result Verbs proposed by Levin and Rappaport Hovav (1991).


email: paolo (dot) vassallo (at) fileli (dot) unipi (dot) it